Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This is a quick blog, but chock full o' facts and nuts, as it has occurred to me that some readers do not understand the importance of the two most devastating weapons in Japan: The Lariat (or LARIATO) and the Roaring Elbow. I am here, now, before I post any more entries, to quickly explain these and their importance not only to Puroresu but the Japanese people as a culture.

In the USA, we have our be-all, end-all wrestlers and their finishing moves. On an average Monday Night Raw, you'll rarely see someone kick out of a Pedigree, or a Stunner, or a 619, etc. At WrestleMania, it may take two of those, but the job usually gets done (see Tombstone Piledriver). Keep this in mind.

Now, without going into the cultural and historical ramifications, the Japanese wrestling world has accepted this one endearing principal that you should know and respect before you go any further: At anytime, in any wrestling ring in The Far East, any match can end with a lariat if it's bad-ass enough. This goes back to the origins of the sport and Rikidozan (sp?), the Godfather of Japanese Wrestling.

Enter Mitsuharu Misawa, who would add the spinning, stiff-as-balls elbow that list. I suppose, for argument's sake, you could say Keiji Mutoh threw the Shining Wizard in that group as well. But, no matter. Just remember that like a Tombstone, or a Pedigree, or a Stunner, or a Super Kick, it's widely accepted in Puroresu that the Lariat, Roaring Elbow, and Shining Wizard can beat anybody at anytime, and are huge spots in a match. Got it? Awesome. Here's a little lesson in that type of thinking.


This is a little known match from a relatively small promotion, relative to Pro Wresting-Guerilla here in the States. But this match is extremely important for two reasons. First, this match is indeed a lesson in how basic, hard-hitting strikes can make a match more exciting than a million flip-spots and planchas.

Second, because this is the prelude to a match that I will be reviewing later on, and the set-up to what may go down as the best wrestling match, all year, in any promotion, in any country. Plus, this features a rather unique story, considering the competitors involved.

Yuji Nagata, former (and one of the greatest) IWGP Champion and all-around feared Strong Style bad-ass (Yes, he also worked for WCW and was managed by Sonny Ono, but, really... who wasn't? I'm pretty sure both Norman Smiley and Steve McMichael were managed by Ono while they were feuding with each other.) The man can throw a side kick like most throw a lariat, it's that hard hitting. Like, 'doesn't have to slap his leg to get that sound that's how hard he kicks' type of hard hitting.

Then, you have Tomohiro Ishii, who is an up-and-coming heavy hitter   looking for his excuse to break into the upper card. Even though I don't dig on his "weight-lifting belt without the buckle" thing he has going on, the man can sell like murder, and does it in full-on spades here.

Check it out, enjoy it, you know you will...

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